Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

nunggu makan siang......

yak....1 minggu lagi nunggu pengumuman dosen pembimbing thesisnya siapa...
niatnya sih mau nyicil ngerjain bab2...tapi smp skrg blum dikerjain juga...hehe...
"males itu penyakit"...jadi harus dimulai deh..abis kayakny blum cerah aja otaknya kalo blm ngobrol sm dosennya....

si abi lagi pelatihan router 4 hari...wuih wuih...ksian bgt dia hari ini...
gawe dari kmaren malem langsung platihan lagi...sabar ya bi....kan semuanya ibadah....

mudahan apa yg abi mau..dikabulkan Allah...amin...(bunda doain slaluuuuu....)

udah lama kita ga nonton ya bi...abis film nya kurang seru...kapan kita mau nonton jermal bi?!
hmph....nti ada waktunya yah...

blm jadi2 bwt pas foto niy...ampun deh....

lagi ga jelas...hehehe...

Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

i am "brown sheep"

You are Brown Sheep, who is modest and have a gentle atmosphere.
You tend to express self confidence and calmness (kadang2 kalem..)
You also have guts not to give up on things so easily.
You are not shy towards men too.
You like to take care of the others, and can not turn down favors.
You are rather emotional, and optimistic.
This leads you in making hasty decisions and overly optimistic outlook.
You tend to take on things without thinking about your capability, and suffer with burden afterwards.
You should think twice before taking on favors.
When you can't cope with the work you took on, it is you that people regard as a person who lacks perspective.
You have your own sense of values.
You try to seek values in other people, and will start a relationship on trust.
But you tend to be stubborn, and have great many likes and dislikes.
You also hate being instructed, and decisions made by other people.
You have observing eyes towards the others, and your natural sense of instinct and decisions are well developed.
You are also a good negotiator.
You are kind to those who work under you, and will not forget to show consideration and generosity.
But you can be hard and difficult to those above you.
They will regard you as being a rebellious person.
You are a proud person, and do not like to lose.
Nevertheless, you are very sociable and intelligent.
You will not end up being an ordinary housewife.
You are a bold and passionate person.

PS: lagi baca alicia's blog...kalau ada yg mau coba tes..klik disini ya...

Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

What is ur entrepreneurial IQ?

iseng-iseng.....coba ngisi tes entrepreneurial IQ....

ada yang mau coba...boleh disini...

Mau buat apa ya......????

Ya ampun....tinggal 5 hari lagi menjelang deadline ngumpulin outline thesis...

Jangan kan nentuin sub topik...nentuin topiknya sendiri aja masih bingung antara HRM-BPR-atau Lean System(Six Sigma Services)......hiks.......

kalo ambil HRM/Six Sigma Services kayaknya duniaku disitu-situ aja...
kalo ambil BPR seru juga sih...jd indepth research...abis kl ngebandingin beberapa perusahaan kayaknya waktu nya ga cukup buat kumpulin datanya....coba cari2 di internet tentang Proses Bisnis dari perusahaannya, ko ga ada ya?......


Mudahan pencerahan segera datang...

Good luck buat semua temen2 MA1 yah......

Smoga kita lulus tepat waktu (hihihi....semboyan nya binus bgt ga sih?!)

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